Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{2012} 078. 總之,隨遇而安啦!



我們仍習慣一星期只去一次超級市場買糧油雜貨(雖然超市離家只有三分鐘車程,社區內又有5 ~ 6間華人雜貨店或小超市);一日三餐就是三餐;沒有到商場逛街購物看戲飲茶的閒情;時間就要了來做很多煩瑣的小事,日日都有等著來做,今日做這些明日做那些,你可以說我無事忙,無聊!其實無壞的,像時光倒流幾十年前罷了,從前的人或說我小時候都是那樣生活的。不過就正因為日日有這些瑣事,無聊事,時間就覺得很快過;知足點說,是過得很充實,沒有虛渡光陰!



此外,魚也可以是煩複的事,當然又是可以在超市買劏好清理好的包裝無骨魚柳的,價錢自然亦是貴些。在海旁魚販處買魚,又要收取劏魚費!少則B$1至3元(B$1 約 = HK$3.875),但通常都不會只買一兩條細魚的,要是買的多或條魚又大條的就收你5元,所以算來也不是比超市便宜很多,只是超市買到的有時只有肉,根本不知是不是標籤上寫著的魚。賣魚的人與劏魚的人是分開的!其實大家都是賺點錢無可厚非,但好像下圖這條魚,魚要B$12已不便宜啊!還要收取三元劏魚費!我何不去超市買無骨魚柳!所以只好拿回家花點時間自己劏!








我們 ~ 應該是標,不斷研讀關於泥土、肥料對種植的影響,他說他不會絕對奉行〝有機〞種植!因為如果要真正做到絕對有機種植是要花很多人力物力甚至財力,對於小農場或在花園種些蔬菜自己食用有機種植還可以應付,若是幾百幾千英畝(Acre)地的種植,完全有機就要付上很大的 ~ 成本!事實亦無必要刻意追求有機。所以其實煮鹽只是一個實驗,因為大海中其實有很多礦物質既是植物需要的元素,亦含有昆蟲害怕的物質,例如從海草中提取的汁液既是肥料亦是可以防蟲的物質,很多化學元素海洋中也就有。

除了煮鹽,標還做了好些實驗,例如我們去買來小魚,加入一些酵素與魚混合攪爛發酵 ,最後變成液體,可以加水稀釋用來噴在植物上,同樣是很好的肥料也是防蟲劑!我們用來試驗在掌門人種的粟米及標叔父的農場中的青椒,很有成效!






Monday, October 22, 2012

{2012} 077. 為何基因工程食品的支持者自己本身及其家人卻堅持只吃有機食物?Why Do Supporters of Genetically Engineered Foods Insist on Organics for Their Own Families?


第一幅圖片中的美國雜誌,打開幾頁就看到上圖照片,很熟稔的地形、建築,是香港啊!有沒有一點點自豪感呢 ~ 香港人!圖片屬於物流公司的廣告,照片是香港的維多利亞港,但內文沒有一個字提及香港!


香港特首選舉被稱小圈子選舉,那堂堂大國的選舉,又有幾民主呢?來來去去還不一樣只有一、兩個內定指派的人可以去參選!說只有六百人可以去選不公平嗎?看堂堂大國人人可以去投票又怎樣?選出來的真是眾望所歸嗎?真是會為全國人民謀福祉嗎? 今日新聞更說有人的競選經費是由外國捐贈的!俗語有云:受人錢財替人消災!今時今日,誰人有錢,誰是掌權人!那麼全球都在喊窮,錢都去那裡了?那幾百億美元掉出去救了的又是甚麼?已掉了那麼多錢入無底深潭仍未夠,還想引中國也伸一隻腳入這一潭水中!……(情形有點似:佢地呀,叫〝人家〞一齊去陳記食飯囉!但就要〝人家〞出錢喎,可是又不準〝人家〞點吃燒鵝,說吃青菜白飯對〝人家〞有益些喎,而地佢自己就可以吃……燒鵝呀!你說這是甚麼世界!)


在亞洲海域挑撥離間,記得今年初看過以下報導,指〝中國在插足加勒比海 美恐慌〞!何謂插足?去投資都有罪?幾時有講過加勒比海是你的地頭呀?你大國不幫忙那些小國,小國求助他國又關你事?你飛機大炮戰艦去進駐人地國家炸過天昏地暗,頹垣敗瓦就天經地義?別人真金白銀去做投資生意就是插足?甚麼自由貿易?自由民主?呸!

中國插足加勒比海 美恐慌
編譯中心綜合8日電April 09, 2012 06:02 AM





(Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 中國插足加勒比海 美恐慌 )


以前我都會買些Product of USA 的中式調味品或食品如:豆腐、蠔油、豉油等。這類東西在中國是天然釀造的,現在我不敢再買了,都不知是用甚麼先進配方在美國的實驗室中混出來的醬!

Why Do
Supporters of Genetically Engineered Foods Insist on Organics for Their Own

09th  2012 |
+ Add to Favorites

Dr. Mercola

the past few years, an interesting pattern has emerged, where political
supporters of genetically engineered (GE) foods are feasting on organics, while
promoting unlabeled GE foods for everyone else.

recently, Mother Jones
1 discussed how Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney – whose ties to
Monsanto go back to the late 1970's when GE crops were still in the R&D
phase – reportedly
makes sure his own meals are nothing but organic...確保他自己的每餐都要是有機食品

to Peter Alexander of MSN Today:

Romney Air, or Hair Force One – as Reuters' Steve Holland like to call it –
Mitt Romney has his own galley in 'forward cabin.' And, while I've never been
invited up front, sources close to the campaign tell me the shelves are stocked
with a wide variety of healthy fare. Kashi cereals, hummus, pita, as well as
organic applesauce.

organic, I'm told, including the ingredients to Romney's favorite, peanut
butter and honey sandwiches."

more interesting, in a 2002 article
3 about Romney's wife, Ann, she credits a combination of organic
foods and holistic medicine for turning her health around after she was
diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998. The profile reads in part:

was 49 at the time, and the disease was progressing rapidly, she says,
prompting the doctors to put her on steroids, which made her so sick she could
barely get out of bed. 'They were killing me,' she says of the treatment. 'You
have bone loss; they are so bad for you.'

Romney was introduced to several practitioners of holistic medicine, who
persuaded her to adopt alternative therapies. She now eats organic foods and
very little meat. She practices reflexology and undergoes acupuncture
treatments. She credits the lifestyle with turning her health around...

has to find their own way,' she says. 'Three years ago I was really, really
sick and not able to function at all. A lot of the symptoms are [now]

Romney isn't the only success story in which food played a center role in
beating multiple sclerosis (MS). Last year I posted an article about 
Dr. Terry Wahls, who reversed MS after
seven years of deterioration on the best conventional treatments available,
simply by changing her diet.

it be a nice change of pace if our agricultural authorities, not to mention our
President, could reach into their hearts and find the humanity to fight for
everyone's right to eat wholesome food that doesn't contain foreign DNA,
built-in pesticides, and an inordinate amount of synthetic chemicals so that
diseases such as MS and cancer could be curtailed before they even get a

GE Foods are So Great, Why Won't the Elite Eat Them?

Obama has been a huge supporter of Big Biotech during his term, Romney is just
as "tight" with
Monsanto, having actually
successfully guided the company out of lawsuits with Congress in the shameful
aftermath of Agent Orange (a Monsanto creation, which was supposed to be
harmless to everything except vegetation), and heinous chemical dumping
incidents in Missouri and Alabama.

also in favor putting the "
Monsanto rider" provision in the 2012
Farm Bill – a rider that would prevent a federal court from putting in place
court-ordered restrictions on a GE crop, even if the approval were fraudulent
or involved bribery, among other things.

Mitt Romney is just one in a line of politicians who support and promote GE foods as being
just as safe and "natural" as conventional foods while privately
serving up nothing but organic for their own families.
President Obama, as his predecessors
George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, have all reportedly
 insisted on an organic diet. 那些政治人物、前總統們一直支持推祟基因工程的食物,說是安全如一般天然食物無異,可是他們自己及家人卻只吃天然有機食物!)

Jones writes:

my evidence that the Clintons
and Bushes ate organic? Get this, from someone who knows – Walter Scheib,
6 who served as White House executive chef during the Clinton and
Bush years:

1994 to 2005 I was the executive chef at the White House. This offered me not
only the personal honor of serving two unique and interesting first families,
but the professional challenge of fulfilling Hillary Clinton's mandate of
bringing contemporary American cuisine and nutritionally responsible food to
the White House.'

meant that nearly all the product used was obtained from local growers and
was a small garden on the roof of the White House
 where produce was grown. The ethic of
the purchasing and the cooking at the White House under my direction and under
the continuing direction of [current Obama White House executive chef] Cris
Comerford is one of respect for the pedigree of the product and manner it is
grown, gathered, raised or caught.

Clinton and Bush families dined regularly on organic foods. Both wagyu and
grass-fed beef were frequently used."
[Emphasis mine}(克林頓和布殊的家人每餐都是吃天然有機食物。那些牛肉都是來自用牧草餵養的牛)

was again quoted in a 2009 article by Think Progress,
7 stating that Laura Bush was "adamant that in ALL CASES if an
organic product was available it was to be used in place of a non-organic
product." Meanwhile, the article lists a number of atrocious food policies
instituted by her husband. Who knows, perhaps she was so adamant about organics
because she knew the quality and safety of conventional food was rapidly going
down the toilet?

Guess Who Said: "Everything
That's in a Bottle or Package is Like Poison in a Way That Most People Don't
Even Know"
(估下這是誰說的:〝很多人都不知道所有樽裝或包裝的的東西就像毒物一樣!〞... 第一夫人Michelle啊!)

Obama White House may be even more progressive about healthful dining than
previous Presidents. In a 2008 article about First Lady Michelle Obama,
published in The New Yorker:

morning, during a roundtable at Ma Fischer's, a diner in Milwaukee , Elizabeth Crawford, a recently
divorced caterer with two children, brought up the subject of the eating habits
of American families. 'I really, really hope that Barack will jump on that,'
she said.

having given thoughtful but boilerplate responses most of the morning,
[Michelle] Obama suddenly departed from her script. It was the most animated I
saw her on the campaign trail. 'You know,' she said, 'in my household, over the
last year we have just shifted to organic for this very reason. I mean, I saw
just a moment in my nine-year-old's life – we have a good pediatrician, who is
very focused on childhood obesity, and there was a period where he was, like,
'Mmm, she's tipping the scale.'

we started looking through our cabinets... You know, you've got fast food on
Saturday, a couple days a week you don't get home. The leftovers, good, not the
third day! ...So that whole notion of cooking on Sunday is out. ... And the
notion of trying to think about a lunch every day! ...So you grab the
Lunchables, right? And the fruit-juice-box thing, and we think – we think –
that's juice.

you start reading the labels and you realize there's high-fructose corn syrup
in everything we're eating
. Every jelly, every juice. Everything that's in a
bottle or a package is like poison in a way that most people don't even

high-fructose corn syrup is one of the most atrocious ingredients in the
American food supply today in terms of what it does to your health. Not only is
fructose a major contributor to metabolic syndrome, diabetes and obesity, the
vast majority of it is also derived from genetically engineered corn, which has
its own increasingly well-documented ill health effects.
Most recently, the
world's first 
lifetime feeding study 
Monsanto GE corn found it caused massive breast tumors, kidney and liver
damage, and other serious health problems.

Obama is certainly not the only one who has referred to high-fructose corn
syrup as a poison. According to 
Dr. Robert Lustig, excess fructose does act
like a toxin in your body, and 
Dr. Don Huber has spoken out about the two-fold toxic effects of GE crops: 1)
due to the genetic alteration of the plant itself, and 2) the 
glyphosate sprayed on GE Roundup Ready crops.

Obama Aware of Issue But Doing Nothing About it

while the Obama's are undoubtedly well aware of the health dangers of processed
foods in general and genetically engineered foods specifically, their personal
belief system has not filtered into the food policies that affect the rest of
the population.

the contrary, the President has spent the last four years appointing one
Monsanto shill after another into key federal positions that wield
near-absolute power over agricultural issues. Mrs. Obama's efforts to promote
organic foods, which included a much publicized White House organic garden,
were also quickly tempered and toned down by a personal visit from The Mid America CropLife
, an agribusiness media group, who "urged the first lady to
give conventional agriculture equal time," according to a 2009 Politico

it all off, the President has also completely ignored his pre-election promise
to IMMEDIATELY label GE foods, should he win, "because Americans should
know what they're buying."

it's become abundantly clear that Big Biotech and their political lackeys will
not even allow us to make an informed decision on this issue by reading our own
food labels. And you'd have to be supremely naïve to not question the absurd
dichotomy between public policies on GE and organic foods, and the private
decisions made by those in charge and "in the know."

Runs and Regulates US Agriculture

the first three years of the Obama Administration, 10 different genetically
engineered crops, and even a genetically modified animal, have been approved by
the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), according to Food & Water Watch.
10 All without a single shred of proof that these foods are actually
safe for long-term consumption (or in the case of today's children – lifetime
consumption). Could this have anything to do with the fact that highly
influential people within the USDA were previous employees of, or have other
personal ties to, Monsanto?

Secretary of Agriculture is Tom Vilsack, a strong Monsanto supporter selected
by President-elect Obama in 2008.
11 As governor of Iowa , Vilsack frequently
traveled in Monsanto's private jets, and was named Governor of the Year by the
Biotechnology Industry Organization.

director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture is Roger Beachy, a
former director of the Monsanto
Danforth Center .

General Counsel for the USDA is Ramona Romero, who came straight from DuPont,
another major biotech company with GE crop patents, where she held a number of
key positions, including Corporate Counsel for complex commercial and antitrust
litigation, and Corporate Counsel and Manager of Operations and Partnering.

the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has old ties to Monsanto via the Rose
Law firm.

the picture? The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other federal
agencies are similarly stacked with former Monsanto employees. Likewise, when
it comes to selecting which Presidential candidate might be better for organic
foods and our agriculture system, both Romney and Obama's actions speak louder
than words. They do one thing privately, and "sell" another agenda to
the public. Neither of them is a champion for Real Food in the US ,
and both of them cater and yield to the wills of multinational food and biotech

Food Safety Czar – What's Wrong With This Picture?

2009, President Obama appointed former Monsanto VP for Public Policy, Michael
Taylor, as a senior adviser for the FDA, turning a deaf ear to the loud
protests from consumer groups. Taylor
is currently serving as the deputy commissioner for foods at the FDA – a
position that includes ensuring food labels contain clear and accurate
information. He also oversees strategy for food safety, and planning new food
safety legislation.

say he's a fox guarding a hen house would be an understatement. This sentiment
is shared by most people who are even remotely aware of food safety issues. At
the time of Taylor 's
appointment, GE expert Jeffrey Smith commented:

person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than
anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is no

the opposition is gaining steam yet again with an online petition
13 calling for Taylor 's

Obama, I oppose your appointment of Michael Taylor. Taylor
is the same person who was Food Safety Czar at the FDA when genetically
modified organisms were allowed into the U.S. food supply without undergoing
a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is a travesty," the 

Prop 37 is Key to Expanding Sustainable Agriculture in North America

foods specifically prohibit genetically engineered ingredients along with
synthetic agricultural chemicals, and eating organic is essentially the only
way to ensure you're not accidentally consuming GE foods, since the US still
does not require such ingredients to be labeled.

what's with the double standard?

genetically engineered food the "cake" fit only for the paupers of
the 21st century? Heck, even the staff cafeteria at Monsanto's UK headquarters
banned GE foods from the menu back in 1999.

really, why are the elite making organic foods a priority for their own
families? And why won't they support labeling, so the rest of us can make an
informed decision about the foods we eat? And why are they imposing regulations
that limit the availability of organically- and/or locally-grown foods for so
many communities?

quite evident that we have no real champions for food safety and labeling of
genetically engineered foods within the federal government. But right now we do
have a great opportunity to change this situation by circumventing Monsanto's
posse entirely.

states have, as part of their state governance, something called the Initiative
Process, where residents can bring to ballot any law they want enacted, as long
as it has sufficient support. California
has organized such a ballot initiative, known as Proposition 37, to get
labeling for genetically engineered foods sold in their state.

many organic consumers and natural health activists already understand the
importance of 
Proposition 37, it cannot be
overemphasized that winning the battle over Prop 37 is perhaps the most
important food fight Americans – not just Californians – have faced so far. But
in order to win this fight for the right to know what's in our food, we need
your help, as the biotech industry will surely outspend us by 100 to 1, if not
more, for their propaganda. Please remember, the failure or success of this
ballot initiative is wholly dependent on your support and funding! There are no
major industry pockets funding this endeavor. In order to have a chance against
the deep pockets of Big Biotech and transnational food corporations, it needs
donations from average citizens.

please, if you have the ability, I strongly encourage you to make a donation to
this cause. You can also contact EVERY person you know that lives in California and encourage them to view some of these
videos and get educated on the issues so they can avoid succumbing to the
propaganda, as Monsanto and company are paying tens of millions of dollars to
deceive the voters in California .
We need EVERY vote we can to win next month. The election is only FOUR weeks

important to realize that getting this law passed in California would have the
same overall effect as a national law, as large companies are not likely going
to label their products as genetically engineered when sold in California (the
8th largest economy in the world), but not when sold in other states. Doing so
would be a costly PR disaster. So please, I urge you to get involved and help
in any way you can, regardless of what state you live in.

you live in California
or not, please donate money to this historic effort, through the 
Organic Consumers Fund.

you live in California
and want to get involved, please contact 
CARightToKnow.org. They will go through all
volunteer requests to put you into a position that is suitable for you, based
on your stated interests and location.

matter where you live, please help spread the word in your personal networks,
on Facebook, and Twitter. For help with the messaging, please see

to organic producers and stores and ask them to actively support the California
Ballot. It may be the only chance we have to label genetically engineered










timely updates, please join the Organic Consumers Association on 
Facebook, or follow them on  Twitter.

 Sources and References

1 Mother Jones September 26,

2 Today Show September 24, 2012

3 Pamelahsacks.com

4 ABC News September 27, 2012

5 See ref 1

6 New York Times December 30,

7 Think Progress January 15,

8 The New Yorker March 10, 2008

9 Politico June 17, 2009

10 Food & Water Watch

11 New York Times December 16,

12 Responsibletechnology.org

13 Signon.org Tell Obama to
Cease FDA ties to Monsanto Petition




Copyright 1997-2012 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.


{2012} 077. 為何基因工程食品的支持者自己本身及其家人卻堅持只吃有機食物?Why Do Supporters of Genetically Engineered Foods Insist on Organics for Their Own Families?


 *  徵求中文翻譯!(對不起,沒酬的。



Why Do
Supporters of Genetically Engineered Foods Insist on Organics for Their Own

09th  2012 |
+ Add to Favorites








Dr. Mercola

the past few years, an interesting pattern has emerged, where political
supporters of genetically engineered (GE) foods are feasting on organics, while
promoting unlabeled GE foods for everyone else.

recently, Mother Jones
1 discussed how Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney – whose ties to
Monsanto go back to the late 1970's when GE crops were still in the R&D
phase – reportedly
makes sure his own meals are nothing but organic...

to Peter Alexander of MSN Today:

Romney Air, or Hair Force One – as Reuters' Steve Holland like to call it –
Mitt Romney has his own galley in 'forward cabin.' And, while I've never been
invited up front, sources close to the campaign tell me the shelves are stocked
with a wide variety of healthy fare. Kashi cereals, hummus, pita, as well as
organic applesauce.

organic, I'm told, including the ingredients to Romney's favorite, peanut
butter and honey sandwiches."

more interesting, in a 2002 article
3 about Romney's wife, Ann, she credits a combination of organic
foods and holistic medicine for turning her health around after she was
diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998. The profile reads in part:

was 49 at the time, and the disease was progressing rapidly, she says,
prompting the doctors to put her on steroids, which made her so sick she could
barely get out of bed. 'They were killing me,' she says of the treatment. 'You
have bone loss; they are so bad for you.'

Romney was introduced to several practitioners of holistic medicine, who
persuaded her to adopt alternative therapies. She now eats organic foods and
very little meat. She practices reflexology and undergoes acupuncture
treatments. She credits the lifestyle with turning her health around...

has to find their own way,' she says. 'Three years ago I was really, really
sick and not able to function at all. A lot of the symptoms are [now]

Romney isn't the only success story in which food played a center role in
beating multiple sclerosis (MS). Last year I posted an article about 
Dr. Terry Wahls, who reversed MS after
seven years of deterioration on the best conventional treatments available,
simply by changing her diet.

it be a nice change of pace if our agricultural authorities, not to mention our
President, could reach into their hearts and find the humanity to fight for
everyone's right to eat wholesome food that doesn't contain foreign DNA,
built-in pesticides, and an inordinate amount of synthetic chemicals so that
diseases such as MS and cancer could be curtailed before they even get a

GE Foods are So Great, Why Won't the Elite Eat Them?

Obama has been a huge supporter of Big Biotech during his term, Romney is just
as "tight" with
Monsanto, having actually
successfully guided the company out of lawsuits with Congress in the shameful
aftermath of Agent Orange (a Monsanto creation, which was supposed to be
harmless to everything except vegetation), and heinous chemical dumping
incidents in Missouri and Alabama.

also in favor putting the "
Monsanto rider" provision in the 2012
Farm Bill – a rider that would prevent a federal court from putting in place
court-ordered restrictions on a GE crop, even if the approval were fraudulent
or involved bribery, among other things.

Mitt Romney is just one in a line of politicians who
support and promote GE foods as being
just as safe and "natural" as conventional foods while privately
serving up nothing but organic for their own families.
President Obama, as his predecessors
George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, have all reportedly
insisted on an organic diet.

Jones writes:

my evidence that the Clintons
and Bushes ate organic? Get this, from someone who knows – Walter Scheib,
6 who served as White House executive chef during the Clinton and
Bush years:

1994 to 2005 I was the executive chef at the White House. This offered me not
only the personal honor of serving two unique and interesting first families,
but the professional challenge of fulfilling Hillary Clinton's mandate of
bringing contemporary American cuisine and nutritionally responsible food to
the White House.'

meant that nearly all the product used was obtained from local growers and
was a small garden on the roof of the White House
where produce was grown. The ethic of
the purchasing and the cooking at the White House under my direction and under
the continuing direction of [current Obama White House executive chef] Cris
Comerford is one of respect for the pedigree of the product and manner it is
grown, gathered, raised or caught.

Clinton and Bush families dined regularly on organic foods. Both wagyu and
grass-fed beef were frequently used."
[Emphasis mine}

was again quoted in a 2009 article by Think Progress,
7 stating that Laura Bush was "adamant that in ALL CASES if an
organic product was available it was to be used in place of a non-organic
product." Meanwhile, the article lists a number of atrocious food policies
instituted by her husband. Who knows, perhaps she was so adamant about organics
because she knew the quality and safety of conventional food was rapidly going
down the toilet?

Guess Who Said: "Everything
That's in a Bottle or Package is Like Poison in a Way That Most People Don't
Even Know"

Obama White House may be even more progressive about healthful dining than
previous Presidents. In a 2008 article about First Lady Michelle Obama,
published in The New Yorker:

morning, during a roundtable at Ma Fischer's, a diner in Milwaukee , Elizabeth Crawford, a recently
divorced caterer with two children, brought up the subject of the eating habits
of American families. 'I really, really hope that Barack will jump on that,'
she said.

having given thoughtful but boilerplate responses most of the morning,
[Michelle] Obama suddenly departed from her script. It was the most animated I
saw her on the campaign trail. 'You know,' she said, 'in my household, over the
last year we have just shifted to organic for this very reason. I mean, I saw
just a moment in my nine-year-old's life – we have a good pediatrician, who is
very focused on childhood obesity, and there was a period where he was, like,
'Mmm, she's tipping the scale.'

we started looking through our cabinets... You know, you've got fast food on
Saturday, a couple days a week you don't get home. The leftovers, good, not the
third day! ...So that whole notion of cooking on Sunday is out. ... And the
notion of trying to think about a lunch every day! ...So you grab the
Lunchables, right? And the fruit-juice-box thing, and we think – we think –
that's juice.

you start reading the labels and you realize there's high-fructose corn syrup
in everything we're eating. Every jelly, every juice. Everything that's in a
bottle or a package is like poison in a way that most people don't even

high-fructose corn syrup is one of the most atrocious ingredients in the
American food supply today in terms of what it does to your health. Not only is
fructose a major contributor to metabolic syndrome, diabetes and obesity, the
vast majority of it is also derived from genetically engineered corn, which has
its own increasingly well-documented ill health effects. Most recently, the
world's first 
lifetime feeding study using Monsanto GE corn found it caused massive breast tumors,
kidney and liver damage, and other serious health problems.

Obama is certainly not the only one who has referred to high-fructose corn
syrup as a poison. According to 
Dr. Robert Lustig, excess fructose does act
like a toxin in your body, and 
Dr. Don Huber has spoken out about the two-fold toxic effects of GE crops: 1)
due to the genetic alteration of the plant itself, and 2) the 
glyphosate sprayed on GE Roundup Ready crops.

Obama Aware of Issue But Doing Nothing About it

while the Obama's are undoubtedly well aware of the health dangers of processed
foods in general and genetically engineered foods specifically, their personal
belief system has not filtered into the food policies that affect the rest of
the population.

the contrary, the President has spent the last four years appointing one
Monsanto shill after another into key federal positions that wield
near-absolute power over agricultural issues. Mrs. Obama's efforts to promote
organic foods, which included a much publicized White House organic garden,
were also quickly tempered and toned down by a personal visit from The Mid America CropLife
, an agribusiness media group, who "urged the first lady to
give conventional agriculture equal time," according to a 2009 Politico

it all off, the President has also completely ignored his pre-election promise
to IMMEDIATELY label GE foods, should he win, "because Americans should
know what they're buying."

it's become abundantly clear that Big Biotech and their political lackeys will
not even allow us to make an informed decision on this issue by reading our own
food labels. And you'd have to be supremely naïve to not question the absurd
dichotomy between public policies on GE and organic foods, and the private
decisions made by those in charge and "in the know."

Runs and Regulates US Agriculture

the first three years of the Obama Administration, 10 different genetically
engineered crops, and even a genetically modified animal, have been approved by
the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), according to Food & Water Watch.
10 All without a single shred of proof that these foods are actually
safe for long-term consumption (or in the case of today's children – lifetime
consumption). Could this have anything to do with the fact that highly
influential people within the USDA were previous employees of, or have other
personal ties to, Monsanto?

Secretary of Agriculture is Tom Vilsack, a strong Monsanto supporter selected
by President-elect Obama in 2008.
11 As governor of Iowa , Vilsack frequently
traveled in Monsanto's private jets, and was named Governor of the Year by the
Biotechnology Industry Organization.

director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture is Roger Beachy, a
former director of the Monsanto
Danforth Center .

General Counsel for the USDA is Ramona Romero, who came straight from DuPont,
another major biotech company with GE crop patents, where she held a number of
key positions, including Corporate Counsel for complex commercial and antitrust
litigation, and Corporate Counsel and Manager of Operations and Partnering.

the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has old ties to Monsanto via the Rose
Law firm.

the picture? The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other federal
agencies are similarly stacked with former Monsanto employees. Likewise, when
it comes to selecting which Presidential candidate might be better for organic
foods and our agriculture system, both Romney and Obama's actions speak louder
than words. They do one thing privately, and "sell" another agenda to
the public. Neither of them is a champion for Real Food in the US ,
and both of them cater and yield to the wills of multinational food and biotech

Food Safety Czar – What's Wrong With This Picture?

2009, President Obama appointed former Monsanto VP for Public Policy, Michael
Taylor, as a senior adviser for the FDA, turning a deaf ear to the loud
protests from consumer groups. Taylor
is currently serving as the deputy commissioner for foods at the FDA – a
position that includes ensuring food labels contain clear and accurate
information. He also oversees strategy for food safety, and planning new food
safety legislation.

say he's a fox guarding a hen house would be an understatement. This sentiment
is shared by most people who are even remotely aware of food safety issues. At
the time of Taylor 's
appointment, GE expert Jeffrey Smith commented:

person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than
anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is no

the opposition is gaining steam yet again with an online petition
13 calling for Taylor 's

Obama, I oppose your appointment of Michael Taylor. Taylor
is the same person who was Food Safety Czar at the FDA when genetically
modified organisms were allowed into the U.S. food supply without undergoing
a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is a travesty," the 

Prop 37 is Key to Expanding Sustainable Agriculture in North America

foods specifically prohibit genetically engineered ingredients along with
synthetic agricultural chemicals, and eating organic is essentially the only
way to ensure you're not accidentally consuming GE foods, since the US still
does not require such ingredients to be labeled.

what's with the double standard?

genetically engineered food the "cake" fit only for the paupers of
the 21st century? Heck, even the staff cafeteria at Monsanto's UK headquarters
banned GE foods from the menu back in 1999.

really, why are the elite making organic foods a priority for their own
families? And why won't they support labeling, so the rest of us can make an
informed decision about the foods we eat? And why are they imposing regulations
that limit the availability of organically- and/or locally-grown foods for so
many communities?

quite evident that we have no real champions for food safety and labeling of
genetically engineered foods within the federal government. But right now we do
have a great opportunity to change this situation by circumventing Monsanto's
posse entirely.

states have, as part of their state governance, something called the Initiative
Process, where residents can bring to ballot any law they want enacted, as long
as it has sufficient support. California
has organized such a ballot initiative, known as Proposition 37, to get
labeling for genetically engineered foods sold in their state.

many organic consumers and natural health activists already understand the
importance of 
Proposition 37, it cannot be
overemphasized that winning the battle over Prop 37 is perhaps the most
important food fight Americans – not just Californians – have faced so far. But
in order to win this fight for the right to know what's in our food, we need
your help, as the biotech industry will surely outspend us by 100 to 1, if not
more, for their propaganda. Please remember, the failure or success of this
ballot initiative is wholly dependent on your support and funding! There are no
major industry pockets funding this endeavor. In order to have a chance against
the deep pockets of Big Biotech and transnational food corporations, it needs
donations from average citizens.

please, if you have the ability, I strongly encourage you to make a donation to
this cause. You can also contact EVERY person you know that lives in California and encourage them to view some of these
videos and get educated on the issues so they can avoid succumbing to the
propaganda, as Monsanto and company are paying tens of millions of dollars to
deceive the voters in California .
We need EVERY vote we can to win next month. The election is only FOUR weeks

important to realize that getting this law passed in California would have the
same overall effect as a national law, as large companies are not likely going
to label their products as genetically engineered when sold in California (the
8th largest economy in the world), but not when sold in other states. Doing so
would be a costly PR disaster. So please, I urge you to get involved and help
in any way you can, regardless of what state you live in.

you live in California
or not, please donate money to this historic effort, through the 
Organic Consumers Fund.

you live in California
and want to get involved, please contact 
CARightToKnow.org. They will go through all
volunteer requests to put you into a position that is suitable for you, based
on your stated interests and location.

matter where you live, please help spread the word in your personal networks,
on Facebook, and Twitter. For help with the messaging, please see

to organic producers and stores and ask them to actively support the California
Ballot. It may be the only chance we have to label genetically engineered










timely updates, please join the Organic Consumers Association on 
Facebook, or follow them on  Twitter.

 Sources and References

1 Mother Jones September 26,

2 Today Show September 24, 2012

3 Pamelahsacks.com

4 ABC News September 27, 2012

5 See ref 1

6 New York Times December 30,

7 Think Progress January 15,

8 The New Yorker March 10, 2008

9 Politico June 17, 2009

10 Food & Water Watch

11 New York Times December 16,

12 Responsibletechnology.org

13 Signon.org Tell Obama to
Cease FDA ties to Monsanto Petition




Copyright 1997-2012 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.